A Year in Review: Non-Profit and Ministries

I can’t believe 2021 is almost over! It has been a wonderful but long year for us. We launched a different branch of our business this year with serving ministries and non-profit organizations (read more here!). And this year the Lord has been working throughout our community and we have had the pleasure to photograph several different organizations and share about these happenings!

We photographed local Young Life leaders (read their blog post, here!)

A local M.O.P.S leader (blog post, here!)

We photographed Serve the City and their local leaders (read about their volunteer week, here and see their local leaders, here).

We photographed the Brock Environmental Center for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.


We worked with Cornerstone Services and the family that founded it (see their family blog post, here!).

And we worked with Care Net several times through out the year! (See one of their blog posts, here!).



Lastly, we worked with several families from Hidenwood Presbyterian Preschool and donated almost $700 to the school.


*And we did some fun personal photography for our church, Peninsula Community Chapel!


**If you would like to nominate a local ministry or non-profit for a free 20-minute session, email Diana at www.dianagordon.photography@gmail.com or visit or Passion Project web page for more information.


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    Diana Gordon Photography

    Diana Gordon Photography is a premier family photographer serving Hampton Roads, Virginia and beyond with their bright and elegant style.

    Email: dianagordon.photography@gmail.com