Photo Mechanic | Photog Friday


A few months after starting my business I attended a little workshop with Ashlee Proffitt and Shay Cochrane. At that time I was culling and editing in Photoshop. Shay introduced me to program called Photo Mechanic to help me cull more efficiently. Although, at that time, I didn’t have the money to invest in the program . And it wasn’t until years later, did I actually spend the money for the program. Honestly, I wish I had spent the money and bought the program as soon as Shay told me about it!! I could have saved myself a lot of time over the years!

Photo Mechanic is a program that allows you to load, cull, and back-up your images. The program can load a significant amount of images (it will allow you to load several cards at once) in any file you shoot in. As Photo Mechanic loads the images, you can label, organize and cull the images. Instead of taking days to cull, I can cull and organize entire wedding or family session in just a few hours! (It’s amazing!)

If you are a photographer and you are not using Photo Mechanic, stop what you are doing and sign-up for their free-trial! This program will change your life! You can load, organize and cull your images SO much faster than using just Lightroom (or Photoshop’s Bridge).


Want to learn more? Download our free Photo Mechanic workbook here!


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  • BeckyI love your blog and look forward to seeing what you post, I am learning so much……thank you!!ReplyCancel

    • Diana GordonI am so encouraged ! And you are so welcome!ReplyCancel

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Diana Gordon Photography

Diana Gordon Photography is a premier family photographer serving Hampton Roads, Virginia and beyond with their bright and elegant style.
