It was Fall in Newport News, Virginia. The air was crisp, the sunlight was golden and it perfect for an Outdoor Family Portraits at the Lion’s Bridge located near The Mariners’ Museum Park.
I always love photographing at the Lion’s Bridge or near the Mariners’ Museum because of all the space. Kids can run around and be kids. They can laugh, run, hug, and jump all during their photo session (if their parent’s permit it). And that’s what this family did and I loved it! And we love this family. This sweet family is actually dear friends of ours! We have known this family for years now. I actually remember when they announced that they were pregnant with their oldest, Robin. And when Robin was a baby, I was just starting out in my business and I actually took newborn portraits for them! It doesn’t seem like it was that long along but time is going by faster and faster.
And now I am photographing their entire family! It is always a joy to be a part of a family’s life experiences from having babies to family portraits. And it is even more of a joy because we are honored to call this family, friends. The Haywood family, our family and a few other families are a part of a small group that has been meeting for over a year (we still meet over Zoom). And let me tell you, Jacci and Jeremy ALWAYS make me smile when I see them. We could be sitting in a room or chatting over Zoom and these two can have me laughing within minutes. They just have this amazing sense of humor! And I am always in awe of their boldness with life. That is such a precious gift (of which I just don’t have!). Their friendship has been so life giving recently!
Sibling love!! (or perhaps a little too much love..bahah!)
Aww! I just love this one!
The pure joy of being kids!
bahah! Just adorable!
There is nothing like a Dad hugging his only son!
Now you are probably wondering, why I am sharing a Fall session now. WELL, this family is part of The DGP Family Membership Experience. The DGP Family Membership Experience is a exclusive Family Membership where family’s receive two sessions a year for one flat rate. Members also receive priority booking, and resources to help them plan their family portrait session.
Since they are a part of the Family Membership Experience, we would be scheduling their Spring session right now. But, our Membership Sessions are on hold until the stay-at-home order for Virginia is released, so I am sharing their Fall session. 🙂This outfit is just adorable! She is just adorable!
I just love these Outdoor Family Portraits!