P.O.W.E.R. | Photog Friday

P.O.W.E.R. Believe it or not, today’s Photog Friday blog idea came from a poster hanging up in a middle school classroom. I was a museum educator and my job was to teach students about history and its connection to the Navy. I know it sounds a little boring, but I actually loved going into classrooms and teaching students.

One day, I saw this poster and it immediately caught my eye. I knew I had to share about it because it explained marketing in very simple terms.

The poster read:

P-Present your main idea

O-Offer why

W-Widen your information

E-Explain how or why

R-Restate your main idea


Sometimes advertising with simplicity is the best policy. And there is POWER in just presenting your “main idea”.

P– You need to share your products, sessions, packages, etc. (the main idea) and where to find them. I know that sounds so simple, but often we can too excited about the next product, we just launched that we forget to simply share what it is and where to purchase it. You should always have a Contact tab on your website where your clients can reach you and/or purchase from you.

O-The next part is to share why you are offering your product or session. Why is your session or product important? What problem does your session/product solve for your client? Share your heart behind your creation and how it serves your client.

W/E-Now that your audience knows what you offer and the heart behind it, provide more details and where your products can be purchased. Share more about why your products/sessions are special and unique. Share more about why you design the way you do. Share more about why it is an investment for the future. Share more information and details about your work.

R-And lastly and simply, share the basic product, session, creation that you offer with a call to action. And always make sure your call to action is simple and easy for your clients.

I hope this idea helps you in writing, marketing, and sharing your next big idea! Download this free workbook to work through each step of P.O.W.E.R

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    Diana Gordon Photography

    Diana Gordon Photography is a premier family photographer serving Hampton Roads, Virginia and beyond with their bright and elegant style.

    Email: dianagordon.photography@gmail.com