Oh man! I am so excited to write this blog post!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE shooting at historical sites and venues! It is a little ironic because I actually was never the history lover in school. Honestly, I had the hardest time staying awake in my college history course. (Although, I did fall in love with the ancient Roman culture, and I do have a Classical Studies degree.)
During college, I worked at a local museum and since then I have worked at a museum. I have a deep passion for museums, for sharing history, and for teaching history, now. So, when a couple asks me about possible engagement shoot locations, I usually give them a list of historical locations. I live in Hampton Roads, and the area is so rich in history, it’s hard not to want to be a part of it. It is the perfect location to drive to the Historic Triangle District (Williamsburg, Yorktown, Jamestown) or to ports of Norfolk. There is something about walking through the grounds of a site that has played a major role in our country’s (or city’s) history. You can see the history, touch it, and know that you are part of something bigger. You can’t replicate that feeling anywhere else.
This couple enjoys walking around Colonial Williamsburg, so it was the perfect choice for them!See more of Chris’ and Melanie’s engagement, hereand here!
Amanda is also a museum educator, so her love of history brought us to Historical Yorktown. See more of Amanda’s and Patrick’s engagement shoot here!
I can’t believe this shoot was over TWO YEARS AGO! These two met at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, and celebrated the city’s history at Lee Hall Manison. See more of David’s and Rebecca’s engagement shoot here!
If you are just a little bit interested in history, or very interested in history, consider using a historic site for your engagement session or even your wedding. *Professional sidenote: Make sure to ask to shoot there, and consider giving the historical location a donation.